A ZWO ASI178MC camera, fitted with an SVBONY UV/IR cut filter was placed at the Cassegrain focus.
The Equipment in use
AstroDMx Capture for Windows was used to capture 2000-frame SER files of 7 overlapping regions of the 43.6% waxing Moon.
Autostakkert!2 was used to stack the best 75% of the frames in the SER files and Registax 5.1 was used to wavelet process the resulting images, which were then post-processed in the Gimp 2.10.
The 7 panes were then stitched into a mosaic in Microsoft ICE.
Click on an image to see a closer view
Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing SER file data
Detail of one of the panes
Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing SER file data
Detail of one of the panes
Seven panel Mosaic of the 43,6% waxing Moon
Closer view
AstroDMx Capture for Windows is stable with ZWO cameras as well as QHY cameras