A Skymax 127 Maksutov was mounted on a Celestron AVX, EQ, GOTO mount. A QHY5L-II-M camera fitted with a Schüler 850nm IR Pass filter was placed at the Cassegrain focus. The filter was used to image the Moon in the daytime sky.
AstroDMx Capture for Windows was used to capture three, 2,500-frame SER files of overlapping regions of the 24.1% waxing, crescent Moon
The best 2000 frames from each SER file were stacked in Autostakkert!2, wavelet processed in Registax 6 and post-processed in the Gimp 2.10. The three images were stitched in Microsoft ICE.
3 pane lunar mosaic

Nicola continues to work on AstroDMx Capture for Windows with a unified code base for all three platforms.