The nest box was retro-fitted with a cheap endoscope USB inspection camera with a 7m cable, long enough to bring the video feed inside the house. Then an active USB extension cable takes the feed to the computer.
Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Linux monitoring the nest box
Two eggs in the nest. These eggs will be added to over the next few days
until they are ready to be incubated
The female blue tit in the nest box with her eggs
The male blue tit bringing in some food for the female
Animation of Motion Detected frames of the Male feeding the female
Now, with 4 eggs in the nest
5 Eggs
AstroDMx Capture for Windows running Motion Detection to monitor
the nest box from the outside
SVBONY SV305 camera fitted with a TV lens being used to monitor the activity
outside the bird box
Image captured by AstroDMx Capture with Motion Detection
Animation of Motion Detected frames of a Blue Tit visiting the nest box
Motion detection is an important way of capturing images just at the time when there is activity and thus having only useful data captured. Nest box cameras and other outdoor cameras used for monitoring wildlife activity can be monitored efficiently in this way using AstroDMx Capture.