The latest features to be added are:
- Allowing the software control of the video stream to be enabled for saving. This means that the gain, gamma, brightness and contrast software controls can be applied to the saved data if this function is enabled. Moreover, gain is a newly implemented software control.
- Allowing the capture of very high-quality Tiff, named snapshots snapshots to be captured at the click of a button into a snapshot folder within the AstroDMx_data folder.
AstroDMx Capture for Linux being used to name the snapshots 'Moon'
The button to the right of the Snapshot button is used to name the snapshots. If several snapshots are captured, they will carry the same timestamped name with an incremented index. For example, the 8th snapshot with the name 'Moon' will have the filename: Moon__000008__21-58-20__data.tiff .
Detail of the snapshot naming window that can be seen on top of the preview window
A single snapshot of the Moon captured by AstroDMx Capture for Linux
Closer view
This is not recommending that snapshots should routinely be used for capturing images of the Moon. The relative success will strongly depend on the seeing. This image was captured on a night when the jet-stream was far to the north of the country, so it did not have a deleterious contribution to the seeing. However, the user now has the choice.
It is far more likely that users of the software for microscopy will make use of the snapshot function.