Tuesday 15 June 2021

H-alpha solar imaging with an SV305M Pro prototype CMOS camera

A Coronado Solarmax ll 60 BF15 H-alpha scope was mounted on a Celestron AVX mount. A SV305M Pro camera was placed at the focus.

AstroDMx Capture for Windows was used to capture two, overlapping, 5000-frame SER files of the Sun in H-alpha light.

Click on an image to get a closer view

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing H-alpha solar data

The best 30% of the frames in the SER files were stacked in Autostakkert and wavelet processing in Registax 6.

The two resulting images were stitched together in Microsoft ICE, and post-processed in the Gimp 2.10.

Solar disk in H-alpha light

A x2 CEMAX barlow was used with the SV305M Pro using a ZWO tilting adapter to reduce the effect of Newton's rings that plague CMOS cameras.

The region of the Sun with AR2833 was imaged with AstroDMx Capture for Windows, capturing 5000-frame SER files exposed for the disk and also exposed for the promineces.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing H-alpha data exposed for the prominences

The best 30% of the frames in each SER file were stacked in Autostakkert!, Wavelet processed in Registax 6, post-processed and combined in the Gimp 2.10.

AR2833 and a closeby prominece

The SV305M Pro is proving to be very capable in every imaging task given to it.

We shall continue to test and find issues in the SDK and reporting them to the manufacturer.