Sunday, 27 June 2021

First Astronomical light with AstroDMx Capture for Linux running in Linux on an x86-64 Chromebook. Using an SVBONY SV305 camera.

First Astronomical light with AstroDMx Capture for Linux running in Linux on an x86-64 Chromebook. Using an SVBONY SV305 camera.

Click on an image to get a closer view

The equipment used

A William Optics ZenithStar 66 SD Apochromatic refractor was mounted on a Celestron AVX mount. An SVBONY SV305 camera was placed at the focus and AstroDMx Capture for Linux (Chrome OS version), running in the Linux virtual machine in Chrome OS was used to capture 25s exposures of M13 with matching dark frames.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Linux (Chrome OS version) capturing data on M13

Clouds were seriously interfering with activities so auto-guiding could not be used, which in turn, limited the length of exposure that could be used.

Siril had been installed into the Chromebook Linux as well as the Gimp 2.10. This meant that all of the software required to capture, stack and process the images was present on the Chromebook. Siril was used for dark-frame calibration, stacking and some processing, and the Gimp was used for post processing.

Screenshot of Siril stacking the calibrated, registered M13 images

Screenshot of Siril processing the stacked M13 image

Screenshot of the Gimp, post-processing the final image

Final image of M33

These experiments demonstrate that it is possible to use AstroDMx Capture for Linux (Chrome OS version), with an SV305 camera in Linux on a Chromebook. Moreover, if Siril and the Gimp 2.10 are also installed in the Chromebook Linux, it is possible to perform the complete workflow of image capture, image calibration, registration and stacking and post-processing, all on a Chromebook on which Linux has been enabled.

As I said in a previous post, we don’t, as yet, understand why only the SVBONY SV305 series of cameras will work in this way. It may be related to the USB implementation of the cameras. Google has been improving USB connectivity for the Linux virtual machine in Chrome OS, but that is still a work in progress.

We shall, of course, continue to test out this system with better sky conditions and longer exposures, to produce higher quality results. However, it remains that this is the first time that serious astronomical imaging has been done with local software and equipment, on a Chromebook.

When we have completed testing, Nicola will release the Chrome OS version of AstroDMx Capture for Linux.

Saturday, 26 June 2021

AstroDMx Capture for Linux running on a Chromebook

These are the results of experiments to test whether AstroDMx Capture for Linux can be used in the Linux virtual environment on a Chromebook.

Under the hood, Chrome OS is in fact, a Linux distribution, but it has been locked down in a number of ways that prevent the running of standard Linux desktop applications. Ironically, Chrome OS is a distribution of Linux that needs to run another Linux distribution inside a virtual machine, in order to run Linux apps. Google’s motivation for doing things in this way is to make Chromebooks essentially Cloud based computers, and also to give them extra security.

Chrome OS first started offering support for Linux apps in October 2018 with Chrome 69, as a beta project. The feature left the beta channel in May 2021 with version 91 of Chrome OS and moved over into the stable channel. It offers access to a Linux terminal, which developers can use to run command line tools. The feature also allows full-fledged Linux apps to be installed and launched alongside other apps. 

Linux runs inside a container as a virtual machine called Crostini. The Linux within the virtual machine has improved USB device support, but this, for the Google developers, is still a work in progress.

Chrome OS now has a faster update process that updates the Linux container at the same time as Chrome OS itself, and has better support for USB devices. However, there is clearly some way to go on this.

In a separate blog article, we shall explain how to install Linux on a Chromebook and how to install AstroDMx Capture for Linux. We shall also show how to set up the feature that allows AstroDMx Capture to see and connect to your SVBONY SV305 series camera.

The cameras that we used successfully for these tests were the SVBONY SV305 and the SV305 Pro.

We found in our initial tests that a number of astronomy cameras are recognised as USB devices, which can be connected to Linux, but some are not seen properly as cameras and if they are seen, they either won’t connect to AstroDMx Capture for Linux or won’t stream properly. However, the SV305 series of cameras can be connected to Linux and are seen as cameras, and they stream data properly in AstroDMx Capture for Linux. The SV305 series cameras can then be used normally whether they are USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 cameras.

At the moment we don’t know why the SVBONY SV305 and SV305 Pro cameras are the only astronomy cameras that we have tried that will work with AstroDMx Capture for Linux (for Chrome OS). At the present time one can only speculate that this may have something to do with the USB implementation in the camera. Whatever the reason, it is good to know that the SV305 series of cameras can be used in Chromebooks for imaging.

Nicola has now made some changes and AstroDMx Capture looks and feels just as it does on the other operating systems. 

There are obviously many more tests to be performed before the Chrome OS version of AstroDMx Capture can be released.

Due to the inclement weather we have had to use our bench-testing procedures. This involves using a research grade microscope to which is attached an SV305 or SV305 Pro camera. For fast exposures, normal microscope illumination is used. For long exposures, the microscope is darkened with a lights-out canopy, the illumination is turned down to minimum and a double layer of white plasticard is placed over the light source to further reduce the level of illumination. With this system, 8-bit and 16-bit image capture can be tested.

Click on an image to get a closer view

8-bit short exposures

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Linux (Chrome OS) capturing 20ms, 8-bit tiff images of a TS stem through a microscope

16-bit long exposures

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Linux (Chrome OS) capturing 30s, 16-bit tiff images of a LS section of a root-tip, through a microscope.

Tests have shown that SER files, BMP and FITS files can also be captured.

We have also installed the Gimp, SER Player and Siril; and they all run properly. This means that we have all of the tools for capturing, processing and stacking images, all within Linux on the Chromebook.

Chromebooks exist with a wide range of capabilities, and it follows that more powerful Chromebooks, with better x86-64 processors and more storage will be at an advantage. It must also be remembered that Linux is running in a virtual machine, which consequently, has performance penalties associated with the virtualisation.

So, at the moment, we can say that it is possible to do astronomical imaging using a modern Chromebook running a Linux virtual machine, AstroDMx Capture for Linux and an SVBONY, SV305 series camera.

It should be noted that the current release version of AstroDMx Capture for Linux will not work properly on Linux in a Chromebook. A special version is required and Nicola will release it in due course, when we have done more testing.

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Monitor calibration - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

The idea of beauty being in the eye of the beholder likely originated in ancient Greece, possibly with Plato.

Shakespeare said more or less the same thing in 'Love's Labours lost', 1588. 'Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye'

But the Irish writer Margaret Wolfe Hungerford is credited with coining the idiom in its present form in her best-known novel, Molly Bawn (1878), which contains her most famous idiom: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

Whilst judgment of beauty is subjective, the monitor on which you view the object is not!

What makes matters worse, is that if you process you image on a monitor that happens to render images poorly, the image may look acceptable to you, but will look dreadful to others who view your image on different monitors. Why should this be so?

A cursory perusal of Amazon for computer monitors, say, 21” monitors, will yield a price range from about £65 to more than twice that price.

Moreover, if you read the customer ratings of the various monitors, you will often find for the cheaper ones in particular, criticisms that the colours on the monitor screen are washed out. Why should this be so?

More often than not, it comes down to the quality of the screen calibration.

ICC Profiles 

According to the International Color Consortium (ICC,) an ICC profile is a set of data that characterises a color input or output device. The profile describes the color attributes of a particular device. A device that displays color can be assigned a profile, and this profile defines the color gamut that will be displayed by this device.

Every monitor has a profile and, if required, it can be changed. Some monitors are provided with good profiles, others, not so good.

Some monitors can be too rich in a given colour so there will be a general cast of that colour throughout any image it displays. You may not be aware of this until you go through the process of calibration and compare the before and after renderings. The software controlling a calibration colorimeter will usually tell you this sort of information.

Variable parameters that determine how a monitor will render an image.




Colour temperature


It is these parameters that can be changed in the monitor’s profile to optimise, and standardise its output. By calibrating your monitors you can acheive two things.

  1. Optimise the way that the monitor will render images.
  2. Make all of your monitors on laptops, desktops or extra displays, render a given image in the same way.

Monitors also change their calibration properties over time as they age, so periodic re-calibration is advisable as time passes.

There are a number of  monitor calibration colorimeters available over a range of prices. Sometimes there are more than one model of a given colorimeter, where the devices themselves are the same, but the software provided with them differs in its capabilities; the more expensive  device having the more capable software.

The colorimeter that we use is a Spyder5 Express

The software that we use is the open-source software DisplayCal. This is high quality software that in combination with the Spyder5 Express, produces good calibrations.

The colorimeter hangs in contact with the monitor screen and it characterises the monitor based on information such as whether it is an LED backlit screen, whether it is a reflective glossy screen or a matt screen. It will tell you if the monitor is too rich in, for example, green light, and it will use the information it gathers during the calibration process.

Part of the process involves the software setting the area of the screen where the colorimeter is placed to a whole range of colours and it makes measurements as it cycles through a large number of colour and brightness changes.

This is a photograph of the screen with the colorimeter in place, providing a green area for the colorimeter to measure and analyse.

This is a photograph of the screen with the colorimeter in place, providing a white area for the colorimeter to measure and analyse.

This is a photograph of the screen with the colorimeter in place, providing a red/orange area for the colorimeter to measure and analyse.

The final result is a profile that can be applied to your monitor and can be kept along with the original profile.

It is very difficult to show the effects of calibrating a given monitor when viewed on a different monitor of different calibration status.

Below is an animation of two photographs of a monitor screen with and without a calibration showing a test chart.

Look at the animation, and you will get some idea of the improvement of the rendering of the test chart when the calibration is applied. The photographs have not captured the exact appearance of the computer screen, for example, the camera has not captured the left hand part of the chart as well as it has the right hand part; but they do give an indication of the type of improvement that calibration can bring to a monitor.

In addition to the instructions that come with the colorimeter or with software to control the colorimeter, there are many tutorials online explaining how it is done and why it should be done.

If your astronomical images don't look quite right, maybe they are too rich in the blue or another colour, or gradients in brightness don't show as clearly as you would hope; then maybe your monitor is significantly out of calibration. If your monitor has been used a lot and is starting to age, or maybe it is a budget monitor or the screeen of a budget laptop; then it may be worth investing in a calibration system to make the monitor perform as well as it can. With good, open source software such as DisplayCal, even a budget colorimeter can make a significant difference to the way your monitor renders the images that are of importance to you.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Windows 11. For Better or For Worse, and testing AstroDMx Capture for Windows and the SV305M Pro prototype camera in it.

During the past few days a leaked ISO of Windows 11 appeared on the internet available for download and bloggers of IT and computing in general started to make their various comments on it. A number of alternative download sites have sprung up and have been very busy providing the Windows curious and others, with the facility to download the ISO.

Microsoft did say that Windows 10 was going to be the last Windows, but even having said that, they produced Windows 10S and were all set to release Windows 10X that the pundits said was meant to go head to head with Chrome OS. Then they apparently ditched the idea of Windows 10X, followed shortly by the leak of the Windows 11 ISO.

It seems that some of the features that were to have been part of Windows 10X have been moved over to Windows 11. It is always disturbing when companies like Microsoft become capricious, and one is bound to ask ‘Why’?

I hope that Microsoft are not about to repeat the Windows 8 debacle for the same reasons. Microsoft wanted to make an operating system that would work across all device types from phones, to tablets to laptops and desktop PCs. Windows 8 was a huge failure for precisely this reason. Phones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs are NOT the same and do not substitute for each other. That is not to say that there isn’t some overlap in functionality, but they are quite different devices!

It seems that Windows 11 is going to be more suited to touch-screen devices than Windows 10. Sounds familiar? In fact, touch screen devices are clumsy, unhygenic and awkward devices. The mouse and keyboard are the best ways to enter data and to control applications (I hate the term ‘App’). Microsoft have invested in the production of their own touch-screen laptops, and this is fine for certain specialist applications where the screen and a stylus may be the best way to enter a different type of data such as a drawing. However, to centre the whole operating system around touch screens sounds like the same kind of madness that gave rise to Windows 8!

In a few days time, Microsoft will be holding an online event to reveal the future of Windows so this will, hopefully, tell us a lot more.

Having said all of the above, at the time of writing, we just don’t know anything other than what is in the Windows 11 that has been leaked.

We downloaded and installed the Windows 11 ISO on a laptop that had previously run Windows 10 Pro. It installed normally and activated correctly as the Windows 11operating system.

Apart from curiosity about what the future of Windows might hold, we wanted to know if our software, AstroDMx Capture for Windows would run on Windows 11. It does!

There are a couple of things that I quite like in Win 11.

The items on the taskbar have been moved to the centre so that it looks a bit like macOS and a lot like Chrome OS. Running ‘winver’ clearly shows that the OS is Win 11.

An icon on the taskbar gives quick access to the virtual desktops which show at the bottom of the screen, each of which can be given its own background. These are features that I find useful. 

Testing the SV305M Pro with AstroDMx Capture for Windows on Windows 11

An SV305MP Pro prototype camera was placed at the Cassegrain focus of a Skymax 127 Maksutov, mounted on a Celestron AVX mount.

AstroDMx Capture for Windows was used to capture a 5000-frame SER file of the alpine valley region of the 47% waxing Moon.

Click on an image to get a closer view

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing Lunar data on Win 11.

The best 30% of the frames in the SER file were stacked in Autostakkert. The resulting image was wavelet processed in Registax 6 and post processed in the Gimp 2.10.

The alpine valley region of the 47% waxing Moon

The craters Aristoteles, Eudoxus, Aristillus and Autolycus are prominent in this image as are the Caucasus and Apennine mountain regions.

So, AstroDMx Capture for Windows worked well in Windows 11.

The new Start menu, (which looks a lot like Chrome OS) is something I could get used to, but at the moment, I prefer the unique Windows tiled Start menu.

Of course, we must remember that this was a leaked version of the OS which leads one to ask ‘why was it leaked?’ It seems to me that maybe Microsoft is flying a kite and waiting to see what the response will be from the computing community.

My response is mixed. The most important things I can say at the moment are that AstroDMx Capture for Windows worked fine, and that I could live with the new desktop environment if that is what the release version of Win 11 is like.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

H-alpha solar imaging with an SV305M Pro prototype CMOS camera

A Coronado Solarmax ll 60 BF15 H-alpha scope was mounted on a Celestron AVX mount. A SV305M Pro camera was placed at the focus.

AstroDMx Capture for Windows was used to capture two, overlapping, 5000-frame SER files of the Sun in H-alpha light.

Click on an image to get a closer view

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing H-alpha solar data

The best 30% of the frames in the SER files were stacked in Autostakkert and wavelet processing in Registax 6.

The two resulting images were stitched together in Microsoft ICE, and post-processed in the Gimp 2.10.

Solar disk in H-alpha light

A x2 CEMAX barlow was used with the SV305M Pro using a ZWO tilting adapter to reduce the effect of Newton's rings that plague CMOS cameras.

The region of the Sun with AR2833 was imaged with AstroDMx Capture for Windows, capturing 5000-frame SER files exposed for the disk and also exposed for the promineces.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing H-alpha data exposed for the prominences

The best 30% of the frames in each SER file were stacked in Autostakkert!, Wavelet processed in Registax 6, post-processed and combined in the Gimp 2.10.

AR2833 and a closeby prominece

The SV305M Pro is proving to be very capable in every imaging task given to it.

We shall continue to test and find issues in the SDK and reporting them to the manufacturer.

Monday, 14 June 2021

Exploring the versatility of the SV305M Pro prototype monochrome, CMOS camera.

Versatility is a desirable characteristic for an astronomy camera; so we set out to look at the versatility of the SV305M Pro, and to search for issues.

In addition to having been implemented in AstroDMx Capture Capture by Nicola; we have been testing the functionality of the SDK so that SVBONY can fix the invevitable issues that we are uncovering. It would be naive to think that a new camera will work correctly in all aspects at this stage in its development.

We tested the pre-production SV305M Pro camera on different types of astronomical objects:

  • The Crescent Moon
  • The Sun in Ca K-line light
  • The Sun in H-alpha light
  • The Eagle nebula
  • M3 and M10 globular clusters

A Bresser Messier-AR-102-xs/460 ED, f/4.5 refractor was mounted on a Celestron AVX mount and The SV305M Pro camera was placed at the focus.

AstroDMx Capture for Windows was used to capture a 10,000 frame SER file of the 5.4% waxing, crescent Moon. The best 10% of the frames were stacked in Autostakkert!

Click on an image to have a closer view.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture capturing lunar data

The resulting image was wavelet processed in Registax 6 and post-processed in the Gimp 2.10

Final image of the 5.4% waxing Moon

A Coronado CaK PST calcium K-line solar telescope was mounted on a Celestron AVX mount. The SV305M Pro was mounted at the focus.

AstroDMx Capture was use to capture 1000-frame SER files of each of two overlapping panes of the Sun.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture saving solar Ca K-line data

The two panes were stitched in Microsoft ICE, wavelet processed in Registax 6, and post-processed in the Gimp 2.10

The solar disk in Ca K-line light

Active region AR2833 can be seen emerging around the limb, and the regions of high magnetic flux in the chromospheric network are also clearly visible.

A Coronado Solarmax II, 60, BF15 H-alpha scope was mounted on the Celestron AVX mount and the SV305M Pro was placed at the focus. Two overlapping, 3000-frame SER files were captured using AstroDMx Capture for Windows. The best 25% of the frames in the SER files were stacked in Autostakkert! and wavelet processed in Registax 6. The two panes were stitched automatically using Hugin Panorama creator, and the final image was post processed and colorised in the Gimp 2.10.

The solar disk in H-alpha light

AR2833 can be seen along with small filaments and plage in the chromosphere.

A Bresser Messier-AR-102-xs/460 ED, f/4.5 refractor was mounted on an AVX mount and the SV305M Pro fitted with a narrowband H-alpha filter was placed at the focus.

AstroDMx Capture for Windows was used to capture 45 x 60s FITS exposures of the Eagle nebula, along with matching dark-frames. Also bias frames were captured.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing data on M16, the Eagle nebula.

The FITS files were stacked with dark-frame and bias-frame correction in Affinity Photo. The resulting image was post processed in Affinity Photo, Topaz sharpen and the Gimp 2.10.

Final image of M16, the Eagle nebula

The ‘Pillars of creation’ are very prominent in this image.

A Bresser Messier-AR-102-xs/460 ED, f/4.5 refractor was mounted on an AVX mount and the SV305M Pro fitted with a UV/IR cut filter was placed at the focus.

AstroDMx Capture for Windows was used to capture 53 x 30s FITS exposures of the globular cluster M3, along with matching dark-frames. Also bias frames were captured.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing data on M3

The FITS files were stacked with dark-frame and bias-frame correction in Affinity Photo. The resulting image was post processed in Affinity Photo, Topaz sharpen and the Gimp 2.10.

Final image of M3

AstroDMx Capture for Windows was then used to capture 90 x 30s FITS exposures of the globular cluster M10, along with matching dark-frames. Also bias frames were captured.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing data on M10

The FITS files were stacked with dark-frame and bias-frame correction in Affinity Photo. The resulting image was post processed in Affinity Photo, Topaz sharpen and the Gimp 2.10.

Final image of M10

Versatility is important in an astronomy camera. The SV305M Pro proved in these tests, to be a very versatile camera; having produced results on Solar, Lunar and Deep Sky objects.

There are issues in the SDK that need to be resolved before the camera can be released onto the market, but hopefully, with the information that we will supply to SVBONY, these issues will be resolved.

Meanwhile, we shall continue with the testing of the camera.

Saturday, 12 June 2021

First light for the SVBONY prototype SV305M Pro, monochrome USB3.0, CMOS astronomy camera

First light for the prototype SV305M Pro, monochrome USB3.0, CMOS astronomy camera. 

The SV305M Pro has a IMX290LLR-C sensor. 

The IMX290 is a STARVIS back-illuminated CMOS image sensor with Starvis technology which produces a high quality image in the visible and near infra-red wavelengths and has low noise. The camera does not have a UV/IR cut filter.

Nicola has implemented the prototype camera in AstroDMx Capture for Windows, macOS and Linux.

Basically, The SV305M Pro is a monochrome version of the SV305 Pro, having a USB3.0 and an ST4 port.

The SV305M Pro prototype camera

For testing the camera as an imager, it was mounted without filters at the focus of a  Bresser Messier-AR-102-xs/460 ED, f/4.5 refractor mounted on a Celestron AVX mount, and with an Svbony SV165 Guide-scope mounted on the refractor.

An SV305 camera was used as a guide-camera, with PHD2 running on a Fedora Linux laptop to do pulse auto-guiding, that is, via the hand controller and not the ST4 port.

Screenshot of the pulse auto-guiding with PHD2 and Fedora Linux

 AstroDMx Capture for Windows was used for capturing images. 60 x 30s FITS exposures and 10 x 60s exposures were captured with matching dark-frames and also 50x bias frames were captured. The files were stacked in Deep Sky Stacker and post processed in the Gimp 2.10.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Windows capturing M4 data with the prototype SV305M Pro

Final image of M4

The camera performed well as an imaging device. At these latitudes in south Wales, UK, M4 is always quite low in the sky and there is a tendancy for stars to bloat due to the thickness of atmosphere that the light has to pass through. Also the camera was used without any filters as the test was of the camera alone. The result was satisfactory and showed the camera to be sensitive. The noise levels were also low, with few evident hot pixels.

Saturday, 5 June 2021

M13, AstroDMx Capture and Dark Mode in macOS

M13, AstroDMx Capture and Dark Mode in macOS

Nicola is sorting out some details for the next release of AstroDMx Capture for macOS. This includes the use of Dark Mode.

Dark Mode will only work in Mojave or later releases of macOS and for it to work in AstroDMx Capture for macOS it has to be enabled in the OS.

A ZWO ASI178MC (USB3.0, 14 bit ADC) CMOS camera was placed at the focus of a Bresser Messier-AR-102-xs/460 ED, f/4.5 refractor mounted on a Celestron AVX mount. A Svbony SV165 Guide-scope D=30mm F=120mm was mounted on the refractor and an SV305 camera was used as the guide camera for multi-star PHD pulse auto-guiding. Although there is a full implementation for the SV305 in the PHD2 codebase; when compiling on Linux this code is not built. Nicola modified the PHD2 source to overcome this and then compiled and linked against the SVBONY SDK.  This allowed PHD2 on Linux to fully control the SV305 camera via a direct implementation. That is to say, the camera was controlled directly via the SDK and not via an INDI interface. An INDI server was used only to control the mount, not to control the guide-camera.

PHD2 was run on a Fedora laptop and the imaging with AstroDMx Capture for macOS was done with a MacBook Air.

Screenshot of the PHD2 multi-star pulse auto-guiding

AstroDMx Capture for macOS was used to capture 3 minute exposures of M13 and Dark mode was active.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for macOS in Dark mode. One of the reticles was used to help position M13 close to the centre of the field of view. FITS images were being captured.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for macOS, without the reticle, capturing FITS images of M13

Note that Dark mode in macOS gives a pleasing, low light, screen environment for the image capturing.

Fifteen 3 minute exposures were captured as FITS files along with five matching dark-frames, plus 50 Bias frames.

The data were stacked in Deep Sky Stacker and also in Affinity photo, and the two workflows were eventually combined into the final image. The images were post processed in the Gimp 2.10, Affinity Photo, Fitswork and Faststone.

Final image of M13

I shall post here when the next release of AstroDMx Capture is released.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Mater artium necessitas

Mater artium necessitas

This text appeared in a book that was published in 1519 by William Horman, the headmaster of Winchester and Eton, entitled ‘Vulgaria’. It was a book of aphorisms that the schoolboys had to learn by heart as part of their Latin studies.

It is obviously an ancient saying and it may be traceable back to Plato’s Republic.

We know it of course as ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ and it is just as valid today as it was the day it was coined.

Recently I was doing some H-alpha solar imaging using a Coronado Solarmax II, 60, BF15 H-alpha scope mounted on a Celestron AVX mount, and a DMK 31AU03.AS mono CCD camera. AstroDMx Capture was used to capture the data.

It was my intention to capture 5000-frame SER files.

Click on an image to get a closer view.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture gathering solar data

However, an observant reader will notice that TIFF files were being captured, not a SER file as I had intended. I hadn’t taken care to make sure that I was capturing the type of files that I wanted. I didn’t realise until the imaging session was finished.

I wasn’t particularly worried because I intended to use Autostakkert! to stack the images, and Autostakkert! can load and stack image files as well as AVI and SER movie files.

I then found, to my disappointment, that Autostakkert! was unable to load more than 1000 image files, but I had 5000 files to stack. The same proved to be true for Registax.

It turns out that this is a hard-wired property of Windows! The operating systems Linux and macOS have no such limitation and they are not limited to loading up to 1000 images into an application.Using Wine to run Autostakkert! or Registax doesn’t help because the Windows limitation is carried over into Wine.

There is, however, a way around this, and Nicola started a new project that in a sense, ‘invents a new sort of wheel’ using the method overcoming the Windows limitation.

The project is called ‘ PTM ’ (Pictures to Movies)

At the moment, the project is in its infancy and can convert any number of Tiff files to a single SER file. No doubt the PTM GUI will change as the project proceeds, but at the moment it is relatively simple.

It is intended that the program will eventually be able to load TIFF, JPG, PNG or BMP images, and will be able to convert them to AVI or SER movie files. Where appropriate, PTM will also work with 16-bit data.

As it stands, I have found the software to be very useful for correcting the error described above. However, it is anticipated that there will be many other uses for PTM when it is completed and available for Windows, Linux and macOS.

Final image obtained from stacking the best 20% of frames in the 5000-frame SER file created by PTM from the individual TIFF files.

I shall post here when PTM is available for download.