Thursday, 4 June 2015

Results with a £12-80, 1000 TV lines board video camera and a capture card

The mounted board camera was placed at the prime focus of a cheap 80mm refractor. The camera was fitted with a 1.25" UV/IR cut filter (without this filter the image had a very soft focus because the IR and the visible came to focus at different points). The scope was mounted on a Merlin AZ tracking mount.

The camera was connected to a 12 volt power supply and a USB capture card, which was connected to the computer.

SharpCap was used to control the output from the camera and to capture two overlapping, 1000 frame  AVIs of the 98% waning, gibbous Moon at 640 x 480 resolution. The AVIs were stacked and wavelet processed in Registax 5. The two resulting images were merged into a single image and post processed in Photoshop.

Capturing the AVIs at 640 x 480 resolution results in the images being of the correct aspect ratio.

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