Creating every synthetic narrowband image palette from One Shot Colour (OSC) RGB images using the PixInsight Toolbox Script CreateHubblePaletteFromOSC.
We have previously discussed the use of this script with respect to creating a synthetic Hubble Palette SHO image. I use the term ‘synthetic narrowband image palette’ because, coming from an OSC RGB image, all of the necessary Ha, SII and OIII data are simply not available as separate (or separatable) colour channels as they are in true narrowband or (Ha, OIII) and (SII, OIII) pairs of dualband images.
The CreateHubblePaletteFromOSC script takes an OSC RGB image and produces reasonable approximations of all of the narrowband palettes with the exception of SOH (which I feel must be an oversight). It also produces an approximation to the HOO two element palette.
Fortunately there is a Utility script called Swap channels that allows us to take an ‘OSH’ image produced by CreateHubblePaletteFromOSC and swap the R and G channels to produce an ‘SOH’ image.
Whilst many astro-imagers regard PixInsight or Siril etc to be ‘one stop shops’ for all of their image processing, my approach is to use whatever software I feel is most appropriate to my workflow, which includes a number of programs such as the Gimp, Neat Image and Photoshop CS2.
As previously, we start with an OSC image of the Elephant trunk nebula captured using AstroDMx Capture, through an Altair Starwave 60 ED refractor with an 0.8 reducer/flattener and 2" magnetic filter holder with an Altair 2" Quadband filter, and an SVBONY SV605CC OSC 14 bit CMOS camera.
It is best to work with starless images for processing nebulae and this was done with StarXterminator in PixInsight.
Invoking the StarXterminator Procedure