Monday 7 August 2023

Feature release of Version 2.2.1 of AstroDMx Capture.

We are pleased to announce that Nicola has released Version 2.2.1 of AstroDMx Capture.

Mutatis mutandis


Added: platesolver

Added: ASTAP automatic field of view

Added: Independent instances of AstroDMx. Two separate instances of AstroDMx Capture can now be run and each is fully independent. That is to say, each instance can have its own settings and configuration

Added: RA/DEC hints for Astrometry

Added: Assisted meridian flip functionality. When AstroDMx detects that a meridian flip is due, the user is alerted and can then perform a meridian flip. Once the flip is complete, Astrometry is automatically run to make sure that the mount is still pointing at the correct coordinates

Added: Telescope selector dialog. After successfully connecting to a camera, a window appears which asks the user which telescope is being used. This information is appended to the capture log and is used for astrometric calculations. This window can be dismissed and hidden if not required

Added: Information pertaining to the current position of the Sun and Moon are now written to the status window at the bottom of the application. This information shows the current level of darkness. For example, daylight, civil twilight, nautical twilight, astronomical twilight and nighttime (darkness). The user’s geographical coordinates need to be entered for this functionality

Added: Filter wheel name is appended to the file name. An INDI filter wheel needs to be connected for this functionality

Added: The object’s RA/DEC coordinates are added to the FITS metadata. AstroDMx must be connected to a mount for this functionality to work

Improvements: Significant improvements to the astrometric functionality. For example, the plate solver will now continuously run until a user defined accuracy has been met or the maximum number of solves has been reached. For more information please see the release notes

Improvements: Improvements have been made to INDI focuser devices

Improvements: Improvements have been made to all FITS metadata. Telescope aperture and focal length are now written together with other important information. FITS metadata can either be populated automatically (assuming that the values are available) or entered manually by the user

Changes: Significant changes have been made to the way that mouse dragging functions. For more information, please see the release notes


Updated: PlayerOne SDK

Updated: QHY SDK

Updated: Atik SDK

Bug fixes and other improvements

AstroDMx Capture for all operating systems can be downloaded HERE.