Thursday, 15 October 2009

A MTV-73S85HP-EX-SW-R colour deep-sky Helix Mintron and a 10" Newtonian

On a night of very good transparency and no Moon, the MTV-73S85HP-EX-SW-R colour deep-sky Helix Mintron was placed at the prime focus of a 10" Orion Europa Newtonian and trained on M27, the Dumbbell nebula.

Thirty minutes of video was recorded to DVD in High Quality and 282 frame were recovered directly from the DVD as .BMPs.

Deep Sky Stacker was used to register and stack the best 85% (239) images using a 75% scaled dark frame obtained from stacking 176 dark frames. This was the resulting image, rescaled to 640 x 480 before cropping and further post processing was performed in the Gimp

Adjustments were made to levels, colour balance and saturation to produce the final image.

A single frame gives some idea of what the live image on the TV monitor was like

Telescope Planet Mintrons

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