Feature release of AstroDMx Capture Version: 2.9.1
Nicola has released a new version of AstroDMx Capture
Added: Exposure values can now be entered with floating point accuracy. For example, 3.25ms
Added: High full-well control for supported ToupTek derived cameras
Added: Low noise control for supported ToupTek derived cameras. This control is on by default, turning it off can significantly increase the frame-rates
Added: Taillight control for supported ToupTek derived cameras. This control is able to turn off the telltail lights on the back of the camera
Added: Mount sync function for INDI mount control (see release notes for more information)
Added: Native support for Mallincam (ToupTek-Derived. Linux and macOS only)
Added: Native support for Bresser (ToupTek-Derived. Linux and macOS only)
Added: Improved mount nudge functions. The mount can now be nudged, North-East, North-West, South-East and South-West. This is in addition to the usual North, South, East and West nudge functionality
Changes: Complete rewrite of the ToupTek implementation (see the release notes for more information)
Changes: Improvements to the INDI camera implementation (as well as bug fixes)
Changes: Complete rewrite of the INDI configuator (this is to facilitate the upcoming INDIGO implementation)
Changes: The busy indicator UI component no longer gets in the way of other UI components
Removed: Registax optimised AVI (see release notes for more information)
Updated: Altair SDK
Updated: Toupcam SDK
Updated: Omegoncam SDK
Updated: StarshootG SDK
Updated: Risingcam SDK
Updated: OGMA SDK
Updated: Atik SDK
Updated: PlayerOne SDK
Bug fixes and other improvements
AstroDMx Capture download and further details can be found HERE