Monday, 18 October 2021

Implementing Touptek cameras in AstroDMx Capture

Nicola is in the process of implementing Touptek cameras in AstroDMx Capture for all platforms. This implementation will be part of the next release of AstroDMx Capture.

We tested a TOUPCAM GPCMOS0200KPF camera fitted with an SVBONY UV/IR cut filter.

A skymax 127, modified for motor-focus, was mounted on a Celestron AVX mount. The TOUPCAM GPCMOS0200KPF was placed at the focus.

AstroDMx Capture for Linux was used to capture 5000-frame SER files in RGB24 of selected regions of the 92.2% waxing Moon. The imaging was done through high, thin clouds, which was far from ideal, but was adequate for these tests.

Click on an image to get a closer view

Equipment used

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Linux capturing data on the Tycho region of the Moon

The best 25% of the images in the SER files were stacked in Autostakkert!, wavelet processed in Registax 6 and post-processed in the Gimp 2.10.

Final image of the Tycho region

Craters Tycho, Schiller and Clavius are all very clear.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture capturing a 5000-frame SER file on the Sinus Iridum, Mare Imbrium region of the Moon

Final image of the Sinus Iridum, Mare Imbrium region

Sinus Iridum, Mare Imbrium, The Alpine valley, Craters Plato, Aristillus, Autolycus and Archimedes are all visible in this image.

Final image of the Copernicus, Kepler region of the Moon

Final image of the Gassendi region of the Moon

Final image of the Mare Serenitatis region of the Moon

In conclusion, the Touptek TOUPCAM GPCMOS0200KPF camera worked well with AstroDMx Capture.