Nicola has been working on implementing the Atik 314L and other Atik cameras in AstroDMx Capture for macOS and we have been testing the implementation.
The scope/camera combination were mounted on a Celestron AVX mount.
AstroDMx Capture for macOS was running on a MacBook Air computer.
40 x 60s exposures were captured of M16 as 16 bit Tiffs with matching dark-frames.
The images were stacked and dark-frame corrected in Deep Sky Stacker and post processed in the Gimp 2.10 and Affinity Photo.
Click on an image to get a closer view
Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture of AstroDMx Capture gathering data on M16, the Eagle nebula.
The non-destructive software controls in addition to the image transform rendered the Eagle nebula easily visible in the preview.M16 final image showing the ‘Pillars of Creation’.
Nicola is spending a little time implementing our Lumenera Infinity 2-2 CCD microscopy camera in AstroDMx Capture for Windows, which is causing a slight delay in finishing the macOS version. However, this is timely because we are waiting to see if SVBONY will produce a macOS SDK for the SV305/Pro. We will not wait long before release, but it has given a little time to work on our own camera for our microscopy. I shall publish results here when the Lumenera implementation is finished.