A DMK 37AUX273 (USB3.0, 12 bit ADC) camera, fitted with an 850nm IR pass filter was placed at the prime focus of a Bresser Messier-AR-102-AS ED refractor, mounted on a Skywatcher Star Discovery AZ, GOTO mount, and AstroDMx Capture for Linux was used to capture 2 overlapping, 5,000 frame SER files of the 58% waxing, gibbous Moon at full resolution 1440 x 1080, in a twilight sky. The best 25% of the frames in the SER files were stacked in Autostakkert! 3.10 and wavelet processed in Registax 5.1 running in Wine. The two resulting images were combined in Microsoft ICE running in Wine and post processed in the Gimp 2.10.
58% waxing, gibbous Moon
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Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture for Linux capturing data from the
DMK 37AUX273
The DMK 37AUX273 again proving that it is a very capable Lunar imager.