Friday, 27 December 2024

The Sadr Butterfly nebula IC1318

23 x 5 minute exposures of the Sadr Butterfly nebula captured with AstroDMx Capture through a William Optics 81 mm ED APO refractor with an Altair Hypercam 533C 14 bit OSC CMOS camera with an Altair quadband filter. Stretched with unlinked channels.

The data were debayered, calibrated, stacked and SpectroPhotometric Color Corrected and stars removed in PixInsight; post processed in the Gimp 2.10, Background extraction, initial denoising and stretching in GraXpert and SetiAstro's Cosmic Clarity for sharpening and final denoising.

Click on an image to get a closer view

RGB Channels linked 

RGB channels unlinked


Saturday, 21 December 2024

The Forsaken nebula IC5068 in Cygnus

45 minutes worth of 5 minute exposures of the Forsaken nebula were captured with AstroDMx Capture through a William Optics 81 mm ED APO refractor with an Altair Hypercam 533C 14 bit OSC CMOS camera with an Altair quadband filter.

The data were debayered, calibrated, stacked and SpectroPhotometric Color Corrected and stars removed in PixInsight; post processed in the Gimp 2.10, Background extraction and stretched with linked an unlinked channels and initial denoising in GraXpert and SetiAstro's Cosmic Clarity for  sharpening and final denoising.

RGB images

Stretched with channels linked

Stretched with channels unlinked

Blend of linked an unlinked

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Enhancing details in Deep sky images using GREYC's Magic for Image Computing G'MIC

There are a number of programs that can be used to enhance the details in deep sky images such as Seti Astro's Cosmic Clarity.

However GREYC's Magic for Image Computing from the GREYC research laboratory, a joint research unit of CNRS, ENSICAEN, and the University of Caen, France can be used to good effect. It has 625 filters and we are going to look a four of them here in the context of details enhancement.

Click on an image to get a closer view

The image we will use is a starless image of the Andromeda Galaxy

Starless Andromeda Galaxy

The four filters we shall use are found in the filter section Details. The names of the filters are:

  • Freaky Details
  • Local Contrast Enhancement
  • Magic Details
  • Mighty Details

We shall show screenshots of G'MIC with each filter and the preview turned on and off (to see the effect) and then the starless image processed with that filter.

The parameter settings that have been used can be seen in the screenshots, but it is important to experiment with the settings as the values used may not be optimal.

Freaky Details

Preview off

Preview on

Image processed with Freaky Details

Local Contrast Enhancement

Preview off

Preview on

Image processed with Local Contrast Enhancement

Magic Details

Preview off

Preview on

Image processed with Magic Details

Mighty Details

Preview off

Preview on

Image processed with Mighty Details

The 4 processed images were then blended 25% each in the Gimp to produce a details enhanced image with an equal contribution from each filter.

Blended image

Original image for comparison

Animation showing the results of the various G'MIC filters of the details

Animation showing the original image and the image produced by the blended G'MIC filters

In future articles we shall look at other filters in GREYC's Magic for Image Computing G'MIC for deep sky image processing.

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Removal of Hot Pixels from Deep Sky images

Hot pixels in images from a colour astronomical camera appear as bright, fixed spots of red, green, or blue in deep sky astronomical images. These spots are caused by individual pixels on the camera's sensor that retain a higher-than-average charge, even in the absence of light. This excess charge manifests as a bright spot in the image.

Causes of Hot Pixels:

Sensor Defects: Hot pixels are inherent defects in the camera sensor. They are more noticeable in long-exposure astrophotography because the sensor is exposed to light for extended periods.

Cosmic rays: When a cosmic ray strikes a pixel on the sensor, it can ionize atoms within the silicon, creating electron-hole pairs. These excess charge carriers can become trapped in the pixel's structure, causing it to retain a higher-than-normal charge even in the absence of light. This trapped charge manifests as a persistent bright spot, or a permanent hot pixel.

Age: As the camera sensor ages, the number of hot pixels can increase.

Dark frame calibration should remove most or all of the hot pixels but this may not occur satisfactorily.

For one reason or another an imager might end up with hot pixels in her/his deep sky image

In the current case, the powerful open source software G’MIC Qt will be used to remove the hot pixels from the image.

G'MIC (GREYC's Magic for Image Computing) is a comprehensive open-source framework for image processing. It offers a variety of tools and interfaces for manipulating and processing images. G'MIC provides a number of user interfaces, including a command-line tool, a GIMP plug-in, a web service, and a Qt-based interface. G'MIC-Qt is compatible with several image editing programs, including GIMP, Krita, Photoshop, Affinity Photo, PaintShop Pro, and Paint.NET. It can also be used as a standalone application. G'MIC is developed in Caen, France, by the IMAGE team at the GREYC research laboratory, which is a joint research unit of CNRS, ENSICAEN, and the University of Caen. Since its inception in 2008, the development of G'MIC has resulted in numerous academic research articles focused on the design of new image processing algorithms.

Here the stand alone version is used in a Linux environment, but looks and behaves just like the Gimp plugin.

100% zoomed of part of a deep sky image showing bright red, green and blue hot pixels

Click on an image to see a closer view with more details

To remove hot pixels the Repair group of filters in G’MIC is selected and from within that group, Remove Hot Pixels is selected.

Remove Hot Pixels parameters set to mask size 5 and Threshold 4

The hot pixels have been removed.

Of course, it is advisable to experiment with the values of the filters’ parameters used to evaluate the results in each case.

A second filter called Recursive Median is capable of removing hot pixels and is selected from within the Repair group of filters.

Parameters set to Median Radius 3 and Repeats 7

The hot pixels have been removed.

Although either of these methods would suffice, doing them both and 50% blending the results in the Gimp may be preferable.

Blended of images with hot pixels removed by both filters

Animation showing the hot pixel removal by G'MIC

G'MIC Online web service interface 

GREYC's Magic for Image Computing is extremely powerful and in a separate article I shall discuss other aspects of deep sky image enhancement using this software.